~/Library/Saved Application State/.savedState.Delete all the files associated with Eclipse. To get access to them, open Finder → click Go in the menu bar → select Go to Folder in the drop-down menu → type the directories to the files provided below and hit Go.

Now you should find and remove the Eclipse service files, which are stored in the system Library folder. If you do not need them anymore, delete this subfolder as well. This folder is where all the created projects are stored. You may also notice the delete subfolder in your Home folder.Open the eclipse folder → find and select the Eclipse.app file → remove it to Trash. It creates a separate folder on your Mac. The executable file of the Eclipse app is not stored with other apps in the Applications folder.Thus, to uninstall Eclipse on your Mac manually, complete the next steps: However, when you remove an executable file from your Mac, the useless service files remain on your disk even when they are no longer needed. The leftovers are service files of already-deleted apps, which were created for the apps’ proper functioning. If you want to uninstall Eclipse on your Mac entirely, you will need to remove the app and all its leftovers, too.

Also, we will provide the Eclipse plugin deletion steps as a bonus, because it is a related question. We will share two methods of uninstalling Eclipse on a Mac. If you want to uninstall Eclipse on your Mac, follow this guide.